Wednesday, January 19, 2011


In 2008, I made several ink drawings.  I used to love ink before oil pastels and oil paint.  I am not revisiting ink but there are times you revisit a mistake.  Then you remember how you solved it before and since it worked out so well........well you solve the mistake the same way.  I had to cut out my drawing like a little paper doll and paste it in a clean paper.  The background just did not work.  I am doing this again for one of my drawings.  It almost seems its part of the layering process I love to do. 

Thursday, January 13, 2011

New Website

I have just started my website which I still need to include more of my older work.  I will still be blogging because it keeps me sane!

For now it is cold enough to freeze the soul so everyone stay warm.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I have been thinking so much about the beauty that chaos causes.  Let me not explain this image and say it has been in my memory for a long time and I did not know how to approach it until now. 
The figure contemplates
I contemplate
and I hope
you contemplate
your most inner thoughts.
