Monday, August 23, 2010

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Only in the Valley

This is the beginning of my second chalan. The sky is something that I had not painted in a long time and it is very relaxing.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

the string is the new line

I started today with my artwork that I will exhibit at my Dia de los Muertos Exhibition. This year it will be much different than before. I will include new media like I did in the previous one. Besides! I am going much bigger this time. This is a close up of a big drawing. I used string and cloth. Hopefully I will throw in a third and fourth media soon.

Reynosa la maravillosa!

Many think Reynosa is not Mexico. More so, they think Reynosa could not have the possibility to inspire art. Yes, I was born in Reynosa and maybe this might make me see more than there is. But, I am attracted to chaos and irregularities of all sorts found in space. Here is my painting of the plaza de Reynosa capturing the calm chaos that the colors generate. Did I say already I love paradoxes?
