Saturday, November 27, 2010

Missing my Mr. Wilsons

La feria, 2008

Taxco, 2008

Lo que compartimos, 2009

Lloviendo en Puebla, 2008

I miss my wooden pieces...I have been wanting to do more of them.  Maybe I will start something this week.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Mr. Wilsons

Reynosa, 2009

 Sombras azules, 2009

Flores para el pantion, 2009

La capilla, 2009

El Chalan, 2009

Guadalajara, 2009

Vida en el campo,  2009

Pa la tienda, 2009

More to come!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

My Mr. Wilsons

Many women artists talk about their artwork as their babies.  They say they give birth to them.  It is a creation after all.  For me its not the same.  A baby has the same physical identity as the mother.  My artwork can never have the same physical identity as I do. 

My artwork is more like Mr. Wilson from Cast Away.  Do you remember?

I talk to my artwork just like Tom Hanks talked to Mr. Wilson.  And yes, I do have to admit I do cry when something happens to my Mr. Wilsons or for that matter when they leave me. 
Mr. Wilson was Tom Hanks conscious when he was alone.  For me, my artwork is my conscious and the only object that understands me because it is me. It is a one on one life, alone, living with my artwork.

As this month progresses, I will be posting all my Mr. Wilsons that have left me and are now in someone's home.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

National Recognition for UTPA Students

University of Texas-Pan American just released the story honoring the students who won recognition at the 2010 Gold Circle Awards from Columbia Scholastic Press. Here it is:
National recognition goes to staff, contributors to UTPA's "Gallery" literary arts magazine

Photo credit: Imanol Miranda 

Saturday, November 6, 2010

I have finally completed my chalan.  I have enjoyed so much doing this painting more so because I have gotten so attached to the different concepts that embody el chalan.

Thursday, November 4, 2010


Many liked this painting.  It will be greatly missed!  I enjoyed so much doing this piece and hopefully it will be a start of a new direction for my artwork.

Monday, November 1, 2010

I am explaining a few things here

Here is the second Gallery Tour I did for my reception.  My first one was a longer and the second I thought about making it short.  Hopefully I will get my hands on the video of my interview this past Thursday.
